Dispatches from the Field: A Music Curator in the Music City

I spent last week in Nashville, soaking up the sights and sounds of Music City while working remotely. As Feed.fm's Curation Lead, I was inspired to share some highlights that will hopefully help stoke your love of country music and discover a few new artists.
I had the pleasure of spending some time at Creative Workshop recording studio to hear some yet-to-be-released tracks from Lauren Morrow. She's got a song called "Hustle" that is an ode to Jay-Z and is amazing. I'm going to hear Lauren perform live in the Bay Area next month, and I encourage you to check out her other tour dates...or catch her in Nashville.
I also attended the album release party for Some Things Won't Last by Adam Chaffins, who is an amazing singer and bass player. The album is great and the song "I Might Be Wrong" was my standout favorite. Adam had a few friends join him throughout the night, and a song by Carl Anderson really stuck with me: "She Took Everything." Singer-songwriter Michaela Anne also joined Adam and her voice sits in a wonderful valley between country and indie.
On a note unrelated to country music, I also attended a monthly dance party called QDP at a venue known as The Basement East that was a total blast. It only cost $1 and was billed as the acronym for a Queer Dance Party. The music was a great mix between older hits from Whitney Houston and Boys II Men and newer crowd favorites from the pop charts.
While I was mostly there for the music, I had to stay well fueled to keep up with all there was to offer. One of my favorite eat spots I discovered was a newish cafe called Drug Store Coffee. Another place I highly recommend for meetings, fun, great cocktails, and dinner is Pinewood Social.
Needless to say, I barely scratched the surface of Nashville's cultural offerings. But I came back excited about the local music scene and the excellent artists I heard.
Photo Caption: Adams Chaffins performing at The Local