Licensing music for therapy apps and wellness apps

At, we’re inspired by the power of music to enhance nearly every aspect of people’s lives. One of the most promising opportunities for making a huge impact with music is in the area of therapy apps and wellness apps: music as medicine has the potential to help vast numbers of people achieve improved mental health and physical health. The ease of accessing therapeutic music playlists on an app makes music an incredibly egalitarian form of therapy with the possibility of life-changing results.
A wide variety of health and wellness apps now provide digital therapy solutions, and music is a vital component of the experience for their users. Some of the wellness platforms implementing music playlists include apps for physical therapy, mental health therapy, addiction & recovery, sleep therapy, music therapy, senior wellness, memory care, and nutrition support.
You may be wondering how to get licensed music onto your wellness or therapy app, and you may have questions about how to ensure that the music is truly the best wellness music for achieving positive health outcomes. Read on for all that info and more.
The right music supports and enhances the success of therapeutic apps
Music’s therapeutic effectiveness stems from the influence music has on our bodies and brains, improving mood and motivation. Music can energize us and get us revved up for a workout, and optimal music can drive us to work out longer and harder than we would without it. Music can also be relaxing and soothing, calming us and aiding in stress reduction and sleep. Because of this seemingly magical ability of functional music to enhance a wide range of outcomes, therapeutic music is an indispensable component of therapy apps.
Akina Health, a virtual physiotherapy app, has partnered with to integrate music for therapy into the app and make the most of music’s performance-boosting effects. Users are able to choose their favorite genres from carefully curated music for their physiotherapy workouts, with music that is ideally suited to support the workout in terms of rhythm, tempo, and other compositional features. For users seeking a relaxing soundscape to help them regulate their nervous system, the Akina app provides authentic nature sounds recorded on location in Europe, featuring the sounds of rainfall, birdsong, and a babbling brook.
Wellness music is crucial for all kinds of therapy apps
Therapeutic music is so flexible and adaptable that it can provide substantial health benefits to a wide variety of users. We at continue to explore the strategic implementation of music for therapy into health and wellness apps in order to simultaneously boost user satisfaction, enhance wellness outcomes, and promote music-led growth for our clients.
For Aescape, the pioneer in AI-powered robotic massage technology, designed science-backed, customized massage soundtracks to optimize the user experience. Aescape clients are treated to a very personalized massage soundtrack that helps them relax and maximizes enjoyment of their massage. Using AI technology, the massage music is adjusted based on biometric data, providing a level of personalization not possible in a traditional massage therapy setting.
Music licensing can be easy with help from
When you’re launching a wellness app or therapy app, you’ve got a lot of things to manage, but licensing music doesn’t have to be one of them. The unified music system takes care of every step of the complicated process of licensing, curating, and streaming music for your app. We’ve got music streaming for businesses down to a science, from our professional curation team to our turnkey SDKs and streaming music APIs. Your therapy app will shine all the brighter when your users have the best music for therapy within easy reach.
Partnering with will get the best functional music for recovery, rehabilitation, and relaxation fully integrated into your app, and faster than you think. Let’s chat about getting the right music in your app.